How to Care for a Loved One with Covid-19

How to Care for a Loved One with Covid-19

How to Care for a Loved One with Covid-19 May 16, 2024 As the coronavirus pandemic grips the country, many people face the reality of caring for someone who has COVID-19. Most people—including older ones—show mild virus symptoms and can recover at home. However, with social distancing, stay-at-home orders, and the threat of spreading the virus, it’s challenging to care for someone who’s sick with the virus.How can you care for a loved one who has COVID-19? How can you protect yourself from catching this nasty virus?This article answers questions about providing support to someone who is sheltering at home due to the coronavirus. Know the COVID-19 Signs It’s crucial to know the early signs of coronavirus. And, here is the challenging part—you can carry the infection for up to two weeks without showing any symptoms. What are the first symptoms to look out for? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the initial COVID-19 infection signs are as follows: Fever or chills A cough that won’t go away Difficulty breathing Muscle aches Loss of taste or smell If you are looking after a COVID-19 patient in a non-healthcare setting, it’s vital to monitor the person’s health. The CDC says that you should seek emergency help if the patient’s condition worsens. Some warning signs to look out for are: Trouble breathing Persistent pain in the chest Inability to stay awake or wake up Persistent fever over 100.4°F How to Care for Someone Who Has COVID-19 How can you make sure that a person with COVID-19 gets the best care at home? How can you prevent the spread of the virus to yourself and others? 1. Wear a face covering When caring for a person with COVID-19, they and you must wear appropriate face coverings. According to the latest research on the spread of coronavirus, face masks can help stop the spread of the virus. 2. Disinfect surfaces and wash hands regularly The coronavirus can linger for days on hard surfaces. So, you must disinfect high-touch surfaces regularly. This includes light switches, doorknobs, toilets, faucets, and sinks. You should also wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your mouth, nose, or eyes. 3. Choose one caregiver To avoid spreading the virus and putting others at risk, try to arrange for only one caregiver. This person should also limit their contact with others during the 14-day when a person is sick. It is also crucial that the caregiver is not a high-risk person—someone over 60 or a person who has diabetes, heart disease, or asthma. 4. Provide practical support While the patient is recovering from COVID-19, they need plenty of practical support. The majority of people recover successfully from coronavirus within two weeks. But during this time, it’s vital to make sure they drink plenty of fluids and use over-the-counter medicine for pain or fever. 5. Practice social distancing as much as possible Staying a distance of six feet from an infected person is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Limit contact with the patient as much as possible and use separate bedrooms and bathrooms if possible. You should also avoid sharing any personal items while the person is recovering at home from COIVD-19. Product Category Years

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